
Team Penning

Team Penning is a team competition on horseback in an arena with 30 cattle (each wears a number, 0-9). Each team has three (3) riders, and they start in the center of the arena. The cows are held on the far end of the arena, and a small pen is located at the opposite end of the arena. 

The objective is to separate the 3 cows with your assigned number, and herd them into the pen at the far end of the arena within 90 seconds. The team with the fastest time wins. (And as an added challenge, only 4 cows can be on the “pen side” of the arena at any time).

Team Sorting

Team Sorting is similar to Team Penning, but there are only 10 cattle (each wearing a number, 0-9). Instead of using the entire arena, there is a smaller pen at one end with an opening in the middle for the cattle to move through.

The objective is to separate the cows one by one in numerical order, starting with your assigned number. If one cow crosses the “gate” out of sequence, the team is disqualified. There is a time limit of 90 seconds, and the team with the fastest time wins.

General Rules

General Rules were recently revised. Please find our current version here

Tie-Breaker Rules: here.
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